EV Charging Points
No doubt many residents would have noticed that two EV Power Pole Charging Points are scheduled to be installed in Railway Parade, Thirroul. This is a great initiative by Council.
Only issue is that parking is at a premium in Thirroul and the loss of two spots, although small in number, can have significant implications on customer turnover for local businesses. The TVC is aware that there are a number of potential spots around Thirroul where EV charging could be made possible without adversely impacting local businesses and has written to Council with a few suggestions. This includes the railway overflow car park in Church Street, Thirroul. This carpark has ready access to power and would not take away valuable car spots from the centre of Thirroul.
There are other potential sites such as parking spaces to the northern side of Thomas Gibson Park in Station Street, as well as Raymond Road and Phillip Street, close to the shops. If residents have other suggestions, please contact Council directly.
Access around Thirroul
In late July, members of the TVC and Save Thirroul Village escorted the local member for Heathcote, Maryanne Stuart and local councillor, Richard Martin, on a fact-finding trip around Thirroul, highlighting the traffic and access issues in Thirroul. Maryanne was able to see where an access road between Thirroul and Bulli was planned to go and where potential emergency access is still possible. There was also discussion about alternative access to and from McCauley Estate.
Offshore Wind Farms
An area in the Pacific Ocean from Wombarra to Kiama is being considered for an offshore wind farm and other renewable energy projects. The Federal Government is starting a conversation about this proposal and people have been asked to provide feedback. You can either submit a survey via the following link: https://consult.dcceew.gov.au/oei-illawarra/take-the-survey or attend one of six question-and-answer sessions, including at Bulli Senior Citizens Centre from 4-7pm on Monday, 18 September at 8 Hospital Road, Bulli.