By The Bulli & Clifton Times

09 November 2023

THE controversial extensions to Bulli clearways have been placed on hold after community concerns were raised over the impacts on businesses.

State MP for Heathcote Maryanne Stuart said that after listening to the concerns of Bulli residents and business owners, who have been worried about the impacts the Princes Highway clearway extensions would have on trade, the NSW Government has paused the proposals.

Under the proposal, clearways would have been in operation northbound through the shopping centre weekdays 6.30am to 9.30am, and southbound weekdays 3pm to 6pm.

Transport for NSW also proposed clearways southbound on Saturdays from 11am to 1pm.

Bulli business owners slammed the proposal, saying the clearways would results in a loss in trade.

In a statement on her Facebook Page, Ms Stuart said the proposed clearways had been opposed by a significant number of residents and businesses who were concerned about the lack of parking that would be available near shopfronts on the Princes Highway.

“I’ve listened to the views from the community,” she said.

“Extensions to the clearways on the Princes Highway will now be put on hold. Other improvements to the town centre will progress as planned.”

Other work proposed by Transport for NSW, such as a dedicated right-turn phase on the Princes Highway at the Park Road traffic lights, and adjustments to access to Station Street from the Princes Highway – making a left-in and left-out only – to improve traffic flow, will continue.

A new 30 km/h speed zone on Park Road, Station Street, Railway Street and Bank Street will also be implemented.

“Thank you to everyone in the community who has raised these issues with me,” Ms Stuart said.

“I look forward to continuing to engage with residents on the future of the historic Bulli township.”