The TVC held its Annual General Meeting on Sunday, July 16.
After about 20 years of service, Murray Jones did not re-contest the Secretary position. Murray has worked tirelessly on a wide range of projects generally relating to improving Thirroul. His knowledge and expertise on all things Thirroul are second to none. The TVC is pleased that, although he has stepped back from the role of Secretary, he will remain an active member of the TVC.
The Assistant Secretary, Annette Jones (no relation), was elected unopposed to the Secretary’s role; Tony Horneman is now Assistant Secretary.
Traffic matters
During the AGM a number of issues were discussed including recent traffic changes to the southern part of Lawrence Hargrave Drive (LHD). The community was only consulted after the local member, Maryanne Stuart, intervened as a result of contact by the TVC.
Residents on LHD, near Wrexham Road and High Street, remain concerned about the safety of these changes especially in relation to the new bus stop location. There were discussions about alternative access to and from Thirroul. The TVC Executive and Save Thirroul Village members have agreed to take Maryanne on a tour of Thirroul to show her potential secondary access routes.
Residents may have noticed black boxes in multiple locations along the Princes Highway near Bulli. Maryanne said Transport for NSW (TfNSW) has just completed traffic counts as part of their planning work to inform any future studies here.
TfNSW is finalising the detailed design for the Bulli traffic improvements project, which includes raised pedestrian crossings, additional parking on Railway Street and Station Street, street lighting design and place making. Maryanne hopes to receive a copy of this report once completed.
No news on DA proposals
Questions were raised about a number of development proposals, including Thirroul Plaza and the sites of McCauley Lodge and Tasman Court in Tasman Avenue, Thirroul. No new information is available about these developments.
Questions were also raised about the timeline for the relocation of Wilkies Walk in McCauley Estate. As a modification to the DA is before Council nothing will happen until approval is granted. Advice is that an alternative detour route will be communicated to the public during the relocation phase of Wilkies Walk.
Playground and graffiti updates
The work done by Council on the children’s playground near Thirroul Beach was acknowledged. This is a much safer and pleasant area for children to use.
The incidence of graffiti in town had declined slightly over recent months, but ramped up again during the school holidays. Residents are encouraged to report any incidents to Council.
All residents are invited to the next TVC meeting on Sunday, 24th September at 4pm at TRIPS Hall, Railway Parade Thirroul.