NIRAG re-elects committee

By Illawarra Flame

06 September 2023

The Northern Illawarra Residents Action Group (NIRAG), held its annual general meeting at 7pm on Wednesday, 2 August at the Bulli Community Centre. There were no new nominations for the committee and all office bearers were re-elected:

  • President: John Croker
  • Vice President: Dave Beswick
  • Secretary: Ross Dearden
  • Treasurer: Ross Dearden
  • Membership Secretary: Susannah Cavill
  • Public Officer: Michael Crighton

Throughout the year NIRAG has taken on the role of NF3 which covers the suburbs from Woonona to Austinmer, until a new Convenor can be found. NIRAG continues to support the creation of a Keeping Place at Sandon Point, Hewitt’s Creek Bushcare volunteers, and assists the community with local issues and development applications.

NIRAG also lobbied to improve conditions for cyclists in the Illawarra. There has been success in the better prioritising of cycleway upgrades, and in planning for wider paths and safer road crossings. The reconstructed cycleway via Pioneer Estate in its present location, rather than in a completely new location to the south was a good achievement.

NIRAG collaborates with other community groups, such as Thirroul Village Committee, Illawarra Bicycle Users Group, the Bulli Hospital Community Group and Better Planning Network and the Illawarra Escarpment Alliance.

After the AGM, NIRAG held its quarterly meeting. The minutes are available on here.

• Members took part in consultation for the Wollongong Integrated Transport Strategy workshops, to plan for the future and reduce car dependence by improvements to public transport.

• Importantly the meeting voted to support the YES23 vote campaign and the referendum to have a Voice to Parliament to give First Nations peoples the right to have a say over laws that affect them. One of NIRAG’s key objectives is “To support Aboriginal Reconciliation and recognise the cultural rights of Indigenous Australians”.

• There was a motion that Council ban fossil fuel gas connections in new homes and ask that more be done to require solar and PV friendly power in homes and apartments, new commercial buildings and community facilities. It is understood that Council will be following up these ideas and ways to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in the next Climate Mitigation Plan.

The committee gave particular thanks to Cr Martin, Cr Walters, and Maryanne Stuart, MP for attending and participating in our meetings throughout the year and to Jo Page (Director Infrastructure and Works) for her commitment and assistance. This contribution is really appreciated and helps make meetings more productive.

The next NIRAG quarterly meeting will be on Wednesday, 1 November 2023 at 7pm. All welcome.