Proposed traffic changes to LHD
The TVC was contacted by local residents concerned about the traffic changes that Transport for NSW (TfNSW) had planned for Lawrence Hargrave Drive (LHD). Residents were informed a week before commencement that “road surface improvement” works were due to start the week of 5th June. These works involved:
• Resurfacing road work
• Installing right turn bays into High Street and Wrexham Road
• Relocating southbound parking spaces to the northbound side of LHD
• Relocating the southbound bus stop near High Street about 50m north to facilitate the changes.
In 2021 TfNSW outlined two transport options to the local community. One proposal was to have two continuous lanes of traffic (remove all parking on LHD) and the second to have clearways in operation during peak times. The current changes proposed by TfNSW, as outlined above, were included in the two options presented to the community in 2021. Both options were clearly rejected by the local community.
TfNSW stated that its next step was to “carry out further investigation … Transport is committed to keeping Thirroul residents and visitors up to date and will inform the community of the outcomes of these investigations … ”
Unfortunately, TfNSW did not keep us up to date, rather informed residents on the affected section of LHD of their decision a week before the permanent changes were scheduled to happen.
Residents contacted the TVC who got in touch with the new member for Heathcote, Maryanne Stuart. Maryanne contacted the Minister for Roads, John Graham, put a halt to the work until some form of consultation occurred. At present the community is awaiting the outcome of this consultation. The TVC and community would like to thank Maryanne for her intervention.
Thirroul Seaside and Arts Festival
The TVC had a stall where members were able to meet and chat with local residents. Topics included flooding, increased use of Private Certifiers (complying developments), McCauley Lodge development, ideas for the Thirroul Plaza site and planned road works on LHD.
Next meeting
The next TVC meeting will be on Sunday, 16 July at 4pm at TRIPS Hall, Railway Parade Thirroul. All welcome.