By Maryanne Stuart

26 September 2024

I acknowledge and celebrate the incredible contributions made by Barbara Jones of Sutherland, who has been named Southern Sydney Senior Volunteer of the Year for her dedicated support for struggling mothers through the 3Bridges Community. For over a decade, Barbara has selflessly volunteered with the 3Bridges home visiting service, offering not only practical assistance but also a listening ear to women facing challenges. Her commitment helps mothers regain momentum in their lives, fostering maternal and infant health through community connection and support. Barbara's dedication extends far beyond that work. She also volunteers with numerous other organisations, including Bushcare at Bass and Flinders Point, knitting charity Wrap with Love, Sutherland Food Services, Relay For Life and the Cancer Council. Barbara's unwavering service has made a tangible difference to countless lives, reflecting her deep commitment to her community. On behalf of the community, I thank Barbara for her tireless efforts and the profound impact she has had through her volunteer work. She exemplifies the very best of our community spirit. I congratulate Barbara.