Platypus Release


24 May 2023

I would like to take this opportunity to acknowledge an incredible project overseen by the NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service, Taronga Conservation Society, UNSW Sydney and WWF-Australia. Recently, as a result of a project between those four organisations, five female platypuses were released into the Royal National Park. This was an incredibly significant moment given the mammal had not been sighted in the national park for 50 years. I was lucky enough to witness the release and it was a celebration I will never forget. There is so much good that occurs on behalf of community groups in the Royal National Park. From surf life saving clubs to community groups like the RNP Coastal Cabins Protection League, there are so many people who are invested in helping our national park not only survive, but also thrive. The release of the platypuses is another example of likeminded individuals getting together for a great cause to benefit the Royal National Park. Thank you again to everyone who was involved in the relocation of the five female platypuses recently. I look forward to the upcoming release of four males in the national park as well.